I mean, the game can be fun, but I am often struggling with the stealth mechanics, especially on Level 18, which I am unable to beat. Let me list my greivances:
- Cloak controls are so damn floaty that I am often missing my target
- If a target is alerted, I don't get a half second grace period to kill them right as I exit cloaking
- Impossible to gauge where a target is looking, and bad luck can ruin a run with their sightlines (see level 18 where ghosts have these TINY gaps where they can immediately notice you)
- Why must there be a timer?! Stealth games are built around you having nothing but time to hunt down your target, the same needs to apply here.
- Levels should NOT start with a frantic sweep of enemies, there's quite a few in this where I have to shoot first before I can analyze the level.
- The scythe has ricochet mechanics, please at least try to let us see how it will bounce off of a couple of walls, I failed so many trickshots just because I could not guess the path of my scythe.